We are a community of covenant people of God in the Reformed Tradition who are empowered by Christ and the Holy Spirit to be faithful through worship, by listening for God to speak; through fellowship and nurture by sharing life’s joys and sorrows; through education by teaching, questioning, and growing in Biblical understanding; through service by reaching out to a voice in need; through stewardship by realizing that all we have belongs to God. Our Mission is to live in such a way that all we do and say is for the glory of God.

What We Believe

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), a church with roots in the Protestant Reformation. We affirm the sovereignty of God, the Lordship of Jesus Christ and central importance of the Scriptures in shaping our lives and our life together.

In our governance and in our theology, we are guided by a two-part constitution: the Book of Confessions and the Book of Order. The Book of Confessions is a collection of creeds, catechisms and theological statements, rooted in Scripture, which helps us understand who God is, and how we are to live as God's people.

While the Book of Order is largely concerned with organization and order, it also reminds us why the church exists. The first chapter affirms that the great ends of the church are the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind; the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; the maintenance of divine worship; the preservation of the truth; the promotion of social righteousness; and the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.


Rev. John Fawcett



Contact John


Kathy Rice

Handbell Director

Contact Kathy


Myra Wallace


Contact Myra


Thad McCrae


Contact Thad


Beth Daniel

Receiving Treasurer

Contact Beth


Jaime Beasley

Disbursing Treasurer

Email Jaime

Church Officers

Commissioned Deacons

The group is the ministry of service and compassion. Our Commissioned Deacons serve in groups as Worship Deacons or Caregiving Deacons.

  • Joy Barbour
  • Steve Beeching
  • Eve Creech
  • Jenny Ham
  • Jake Jacobs
  • Jo James
  • Betsy Olive
  • Shelley Roberts
  • Pam Schall
  • Pam Withrow


Moderator: Rev. John Fawcett

Clerk of Session: Debbie Jacobs

The Session meets monthly immediately following worship. This group is the ministry of oversight.

Class of 2024

Linda Crowder, Kay Taylor

Class of 2025

Julie Duncan, Evans Horne, Pam Pope

Class of 2026

George Beasley, Kathy Rice, Sandy Perkinson